Custom Recording Packages

Beginning with your budget, we will develop a Recording Package that fits your budgetary constraints and provide you with a final product that will be more than you could have imagined.

PLATINUM PACKAGE: Everything is totally customized for your Artistry. Songs you have written or Songs we will help you find will make up the content of your Project. We will assign a Producer to guide you through your entire production. We will access the best in studios, engineers and the best musicians to custom create your recording. Most importantly, we will not scrimp on time for your vocals. We will provide the time, guidance and encouragement to make sure your vocals are the best of your ability. Lastly, the mix will only be completed when you and we are happy. Our PLATINUM PACKAGE cost begins at $8,500.

GOLD PACKAGE: With this package, we combine all of the elements noted in our PLATINUM PACKAGE but limit the number of original tracked songs to 6 and then complete the recording utilizing 4 pre-produced tracks from out extensive library of 1,400 songs. This amazing library features classic songs from POP, Big Band, Rock, Country and Gospel catalogs. You will find more songs then you will need to complete this GOLD Record. Our GOLD PACKAGE cost begins at $5,500.

SILVER PACKAGE can provide you with your best recording for minimal dollars. Using our extensive 1,400 song library of pre-produced tracks, you will select songs from our catalog of POP, Big Band, Rock, Country and Gospel Tracks that best fit your voice and the style of recording you want to produce. We will provide you a vocal producer, top engineer, world-class studio and the time you need to achieve your best performance. It’s all in the mix and that’s the way we feel. We won’t call the project completed until you and we are happy with the final mix. Our SILVER PACKAGE cost begins at $2,500.


Get in Touch!

Call or email us and we can discuss the right package for your needs.

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Lease Our Catalog

N’Vision Entertainment has Leased Songs to Artists for years.  If your plans are to produce your own recording, we can help, keeping your costs to a minimum, by Leasing the use of EZ Key Accompaniment Tracks.  You can use one of our EZ Key Accompaniment Tracks or as many as you wish, allowing the costs of your recording to be kept at a minimum and allowing you to put more production dollars into the BIG songs on your recording. Leasing allows you to manufacture as many CDs as you want with no additional charges.  To Lease EZ Key Accompaniment Tracks, please review the following chart:

1 – 3 EZ Key Accompaniment Track $150 Each
4 or More EZ Key Accompaniment Tracks $120 Each

Call us at 615.431.5855 to secure a Leasing Agreement and Confirm your Titles

Click HERE to review all EZ Key Accompaniment Tracks Available for Lease